Lasting Power of Attorney
Who Would You Trust More - Your Family or the Local Authority?
If you choose your family, you must put your Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA) in place to give you peace of mind that you have taken care of the things that matter most to you.
What is a Lasting Power of Attorney?
This is a powerful legal document enabling you to appoint a trusted individual of your choice (an Attorney) to handle your affairs on your behalf, if you can't look after yourself through mental or physical incapacity. Your LPA should reflect your wishes and needs.
It is too late to set up your LPA once you have a medical condition as the result of a stroke, Alzheimer's or dementia.
What are the two Different Parts?
A Property and Financial Affairs LPA allows you to give your Attorney the power to make decisions about any or all of your affairs.
A Health and Welfare LPA allows you to give your Attorney the power to make decisions about your health and personal welfare, should you no longer be able to do so.
You can decide to give your Attorney the power to make decision about any of all of your health and welfare matters, for example care issues, where you live and even to give or refuse consent to life sustaining treatment.
Why do I need one?
It ensures that someone you trust has the legal authority to sort out your everyday affairs. With no LPA in place, your wishes will be irrelevant and a Doctor or the Local Authority will make decisions on your behalf.
Bank accounts and investments could be frozen, along with standing orders or direct debits to pay bills in your name. Even having a joint bank account would not stop this from happening.
My children or friend normally use my PIN numbers to sign on my behalf?
This is illegal because of Data Protection. if you become mentally impaired, they could be charged with fraud.
Lasting Power of Attorney Explained